This EMT trauma kit offers a comprehensive variety of first aid and emergency supplies to equip first responders. Designed for quick response to accident or emergency situations.
Kit Contents:
2 - Abdominal/Combine Trauma Pad, 12.7 x 23cm (5 x 9")
2 - Abdominal/Combine Trauma Pad, 20.3 x 25.4 cm (8 x 10")
1 - Abdominal/Combine Trauma Pad, 25.4 x 76.2 cm (10 x 30")
1 - St. John's Ambulance First Aid Guide
1 - Accident Record Book
6 - Patient Assessment Chart
2 - Pencil
15 - Benzalkonium Chloride Antiseptic Towelettes
12 - Alcohol Antiseptic Wipes
6 - Povidone Iodine Prep Pads
1 - Antiseptic Skin Cleaner, 100ml spray pump
12 - Hand Cleansing Towelettes
6 - Hand Sanitizing Towelettes
1 - Mylar Emergency Rescue Blanket
6 - Medical Examination Gloves(pairs), Large